Study AI
Marek Klonowski
Generalized framework for group testing: queries, feedbacks and adversaries
Exact and efficient protective jamming in SINR-based wireless networks
New view on adversarial queueing on MAC
Contention resolution on a restrained channel
Droppix: towards more realistic video fingerprinting
Fast size approximation of a radio network in beeping model
How to save your face: a facial recognition method robust against image reconstruction
Stronger trust and privacy in social networks via local cooperation
Energy efficient adversarial routing in shared channels
Fault-tolerant parallel scheduling of arbitrary length jobs on a shared channel
How to obfuscate execution of protocols in an ad hoc radio network?
On practical privacy-preserving fault-tolerant data aggregation
Ordered and delayed adversaries and how to work against them on a shared channel
Performing partially ordered sets of jobs on a MAC in presence of adversarial crashes
Universal encoding for provably irreversible data erasing
Brief announcement: broadcast in radio networks time vs. energy tradeoffs :extended abstract
Light-weight and secure aggregation protocols based on Bloom filters
User authorization based on hand geometry without special equipment
Enhancing privacy for ad hoc systems with predeployment key distribution
How to cooperate locally to improve global privacy in social networks? On amplification of privacy preserving data aggregation
On location hiding in distributed systems
Some remarks about tracing digital cameras - faster method and usable countermeasure
Towards extending noiseless privacy - dependent data and more practical approach
Approximating the size of a radio network in beeping model
Distributed alarming in the on-duty and off-duty models
Energy-optimal algorithms for computing aggregative functions in random networks
Practical fault-tolerant data aggregation
Practical privacy preserving size approximation in distributed systems
Randomized mutual exclusion on a multiple access channel
Some remarks and ideas about monetization of sensitive data
Electing a leader in wireless networks quickly despite jamming
Lightweight protocol for trusted spontaneous communication
Mixing in random digraphs with application to the forward-secure key evolution in wireless sensor networks
On the dynamics of systems of urns
Provable unlinkability against traffic analysis with low message overhead
Editorial :
k-Selection protocols from energetic complexity perspective
On size approximation protocols in Multiple Access Channel - time vs. accuracy
Ad-hoc, mobile, and wireless network : 12th International Conference, ADHOC-NOW 2013, Wrocław, Poland, July 8-10, 2013 : proceedings
Blocker-type methods for protecting customers' privacy in RFID systems
Chameleon RFID and tracking prevention
Computing connected components
Countermeasures against sybil attacks in WSN based on proofs-of-work
Efficient and robust data aggregation using untrusted infrastructure
Energy-efficient leader election protocols for single-hop radio networks
Hidden bits approach for authentication in RFID systems
k-Selection protocols from energetic complexity perspective
On asymptotics of the extremal statistics of a set of random variables
On delta-method of moments and probabilistic sums
On flooding in the presence of random faults
Energy efficient alert in single-hop networks of extremely weak devices
Immune size approximation algorithms in ad hoc radio network
Obfuscated counting in single-hop radio network
On lambda-alert problem
Some remarks on keystroke dynamics :global surveillance, retrieving information and simple countermeasures
How to transmit messages via WSN in a hostile environment
New efficient authentication protocol for the system of weak devices
On the minimum of two negative binomial distributions
Self-keying identification mechanism for small devices
A note on invariant random variables
Attacking and repairing the improved ModOnions protocol
Attacking and repairing the improved ModOnions protocol - tagging approach
Dynamic sharing of a multiple access channel
Event extent estimation
Practical universal random sampling
Repelling Sybil-type attacks in wireless ad hoc systems
SkewCCC+:a heterogeneous Distributed Hash Table
Algorytmy zapewniające anonimowość i ich matematyczna analiza
Broadcasting with mobile objects
Data deletion with provable security
Data deletion with time-aware adversary model
Energy efficient alert in single-hop networks of extremely weak devices
Leader election for multi-channel radio networks – dependent versus independent trials
RFID system with allowers
Security challenges for wireless sensor networks – dynamic routing as a security paradigm
Step-out group signatures
Towards fair leader election in wireless networks
Distributed verification of mixing-local forking proofs model
NTP - untrusty time protocol
Ochrona prywatności w systemach RFID
Practical deniable encryption
Privacy protection for RFID with hidden subset identifiers
Proofs of communication and its application for fighting spam
Repelling detour attack against onions with re-encryption
Step-out ring signatures
Forward-secure key evolution in wireless sensor networks
Privacy protection in dynamic systems based on RFID tags
Random subsets of the interval and P2P protocols
Urządzenia RFID - bezpieczeństwo czy nowe zagrożenia?
E-Dolny Śląsk - perspektywy i przeszkody we wdrażaniu nowoczesnych technologii informacyjnych
Extended sanitizable signatures
How to protect a signature from being shown to a third party
Kleptographic attacks on e-voting schemes
Universal re-encryption of signatures and controlling anonymous information flow
Wykorzystanie technik teleinformatycznych dla zwiększenia efektywności służby zdrowia na Dolnym Śląsku
A practical voting scheme with receipts
Anonymous communication with on-line and off-line onion encoding
Conditional digital signatures
Duo-onions and hydra-onions - failure and adversary resistant onion protocols
Eksperymentalne badania własności protokołów Chord oraz ChordW
Hiding data sources in P2P networks
Local view attack on anonymous communication
On random subsets of the interval
On special random subsets of the interval
Onions based on universal re-encryption - anonymous communication immune against repetitive attack
Privacy protection for P2P Publish-Subscribe networks
Provable anonymity for networks of mixes
Provable unlinkability against traffic analysis already after O(log(n)) steps
Rapid mixing and security of Chaum's visual electronic voting