Study AI
Mirosław Kutyłowski
Emerging security challenges for ubiquitous devices
Lightweight protocol for trusted spontaneous communication
Mixing in random digraphs with application to the forward-secure key evolution in wireless sensor networks
Provable unlinkability against traffic analysis with low message overhead
Chameleon RFID and tracking prevention
Efficient and robust data aggregation using untrusted infrastructure
Energy efficient alert in single-hop networks of extremely weak devices
How to transmit messages via WSN in a hostile environment
Self-keying identification mechanism for small devices
Attacking and repairing the improved ModOnions protocol
Attacking and repairing the improved ModOnions protocol - tagging approach
Repelling Sybil-type attacks in wireless ad hoc systems
Energy efficient alert in single-hop networks of extremely weak devices
Leader election for multi-channel radio networks – dependent versus independent trials
Security challenges for wireless sensor networks – dynamic routing as a security paradigm
Step-out group signatures
Towards fair leader election in wireless networks
Distributed verification of mixing-local forking proofs model
Practical deniable encryption
Privacy protection for RFID with hidden subset identifiers
Repelling detour attack against onions with re-encryption
Step-out ring signatures
Forward-secure key evolution in wireless sensor networks
Privacy protection in dynamic systems based on RFID tags
Urządzenia RFID - bezpieczeństwo czy nowe zagrożenia?
E-Dolny Śląsk - perspektywy i przeszkody we wdrażaniu nowoczesnych technologii informacyjnych
How to protect a signature from being shown to a third party
Kleptographic attacks on e-voting schemes
Universal re-encryption of signatures and controlling anonymous information flow
A practical voting scheme with receipts
Anonymous communication with on-line and off-line onion encoding
Conditional digital signatures
Duo-onions and hydra-onions - failure and adversary resistant onion protocols
Hiding data sources in P2P networks
Local view attack on anonymous communication
Onions based on universal re-encryption - anonymous communication immune against repetitive attack
Privacy protection for P2P Publish-Subscribe networks
Provable anonymity for networks of mixes
Provable unlinkability against traffic analysis already after O(log(n)) steps
Rapid mixing and security of Chaum's visual electronic voting