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Stanisław Szpakowicz
Nowy system kwalifiaktorów Słowosieci
Przymiotniki w Słowosieci 3.0
Przysłówki w Słowosieci
Jednostki wielowyrazowe :
The chicken-and-egg problem in wordnet design: synonymy, synsets and constitutive relations
A strategy of mapping Polish WordNet onto Pinceton WordNet
Mapping plWordNet onto Princeton WordNet
Semantic relations among adjectives in Polish WordNet 2.0 :a new relation set, discussion and evaluation
Opis relacji leksykalno-semantycznych w Słowosieci 2.0 :
Opis relacji leksykalno-semantycznych w Słowosieci 2.0 :
Semantic relations among nouns in Polish WordNet grounded in lexicographic and semantic tradition
Semantic relations between verbs in Polish WordNet 2.0
Toward plWordNet 2.0
A WordNet from the ground up
Classification-based filtering of semantic relatedness in hypernymy extraction
Corpus-based semantic relatedness for the construction of Polish WordNet
Lexical units as the centrepiece of a wordnet
Sense-based clustering of Polish nouns in the extraction of semantic relatedness
Automatic selection of heterogeneous syntactic features in semantic similarity of Polish nouns
Extended similarity test for the evaluation of semantic similarity functions
Polish WordNet on a shoestring
Relacje w polskim WordNecie
Words, concepts and relations in the construction of Polish WordNet